Will 5G change our way of designing software?

By Pontovinte Software May 2, 2024

5G is something already present in our day-to-day life and it will become more soon. It is going to change the way we interact with the Internet and share content.

Before that, many speculations about 5G were formed around all the advantages of this new technology, but first we need to understand why do we need something new if everything is fine and we already have many softwares and companies doing a great job with real-time streaming?

Big companies need to grow business around connectivity. I’m not just talking about connectivity in terms of sharing messages, but connecting people to things, business to business and things to things all at the same time and all around the world. In order to achieve that kind of connectivity the world needed new demands of hardware that could handle a huge amount of I/O data without interruptions and delays, decrease the latency and promote interoperability, these kinds of new technologies will redefine the way we design software.

It’s common to start new software design considering only the HTTP 1.0 as an example, but in some cases the way how HTTP 1.0 operates might bring tons of network loads that do not promote the best user experience from your web application. Some applications may need to operate in real-time, which brings new elements to a software design, those elements may change the way how software communicates with the end user and other softwares, those elements bring us back to the original need, connectivity.

One of the biggest challenges addressed by 5G is the latency (the time that takes to a source gets a response from a destination), with this new technology, a request reply should take approximately 1ms and the applications must be ready to operate on the same time speed, that’s why many languages have been optimized for distributed architectures, but one that stands out is Golang, many companies considering new and current projects to be rewritten in Go due to its multiprocessing and scale, Golang became one of the main languages considered for projects with low and high complexity. In 2013, the Golang team provided some exciting thoughts on why developers should consider Golang, specifically for the capacity to run anywhere, even on server or client side.

Before starting a new project, keep in mind that you may need to consider how 5G advent will affect your software and how your design will fit well on what 5G networks, also consider tools, frameworks and languages like Golang that take the maximum advantage of it, make the new technologies become part integral of your daily requirements.

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